Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Numinosity Sequence

The Numinousity Sequence: Unlocking Mankind’s Ultimate Potential
Authors: Carlos F. D’Martinez1, Abner H. Wallington2
1 Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 2 Biotech Industries, Pasadena, CA.

Paper rejected for Publication
Previous studies of the human genome have unlocked the possibilities for the current human condition. Experiments were conducted on a previously stationary genomic structure to understand its potential role in human evolution. The consequences of the activating the sequence resulted are reflected in the name of the Numinousity Sequence, the gift of greater abilities beyond the normal scope of human existence. We speculate on possible methods to activate the latent sequence in living subjects; however no actual testing was performed towards that end.

Key Words: Human Genome, latent genetic sequence, genetic therapy, Numinousity

The mapping of the human genome has been of high priority to enable the understanding of human capacity. We understand now the genes that regulate gender, hair, eye, and skin color, muscle strength, genetic disorder, amongst others. Within each human being, their genes mark the endless possibilities to who each of us can be or could have been. In recent years, research has been undertaken to assist in our understanding if and how we could manipulate one’s genes to “tailor” the ideal man or woman.
Part of human existence has always been entwined with the history of the supernatural. Some of the earliest records show marvelous feats, such as the act of splitting the Red Sea as recorded in the book known as the Holy Bible. These events have most often been related with a connection to the divine, to forces beyond human control. It is our postulate, based on research undertaken within recent years, that these events may have had a larger human connection than previously thought.
Even today, supernatural events go unexplained. Many fall squarely into what can be called colloquially as hoaxes; however, a few events can fall without that general category: men and women experiencing dreams and premonitions of natural disasters within days of the event occurring, men and women surviving the collapse of buildings or living through horrific accidents with not much more than minor skin lesions.
It is our postulate that there is a genetic sequence, called the Numinousity Sequence, that is latent in most of human-kind. Under duress, it can be unlocked within a select number of individuals, who can then complete actions that seem improbable. With proper experimentation, it will be shown that this latency can be permanently reversed.

Methods and Analysis
Link to Project Page

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